1. Fight for Justice [名護啓介(加藤慶祐)]
2. Roots of the King [TETRA-FANG]
3. Supernova [TETRA-FANG]
4. Ride the Wind [門矢 士(CV.井上正大)]
5. Treasure Sniper [海東大樹(CV.戸谷公人)]
6. Nobody's Perfect [鳴海荘吉]
7. Naturally [園咲若菜(CV.飛鳥凛)]
8. Leave all Behind [Wilma-Sidr]
9. Extreme Dream [Labor Day]
10. Time judged all [火野映司×アンク(C.V.渡部 秀・三浦涼介)]
11. Shout out [火野映司(C.V.渡部 秀)]
12. POWER to TEARER [火野映司&串田アキラ(C.V.渡部 秀&串田アキラ)]
13. Shooting Star [everset]
14. COSMIC MIND [Astronauts]