commmonsmart International

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[ The available international forwarding service on this site ]

  • The international forwarding service is the separate service from our service. In order to ship overseas, the user need to register with the international forwarding services apart from placing the order and purchasing at mu-mo shop. Also, we are not responsible for any enquires concerning the registration for such services.
  • The items available for oversea shipping are limited to the ones posted on mu-mo shop international shopping site service page.
  • Please note that there is no guarantee that the items posted and made available on mu-mo shop international shopping site can be delivered to all countries or regions.
  • When using the international forwarding service, the Terms of Use and Terms Relating to Overseas Delivery Utilizing International Shipment Contracting Services applies.
  • The international forwarding services can be used only when shopped at mu-mo shop international shopping site. At the general mu-mo shop, we only deliver within the territory of Japan
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Harakiri - death of a samurai

Ryuichi Sakamoto




SOLD OUT 売り切れです




This is an original soundtrack of a film “Harakiri ? death of a samurai”directed by Takashi Miike starring Ebizo Ichikawa. The film was screened at The 64th Cannes Film Festival.


01: Harakiri Opening
02: Pride of Samurai 武士の面目
03: Harakiri 切腹
04: No Way Out 逃げられない
05: What for? 何しに来た?
06: Small Happiness 小さな幸福
07: Fishing 釣り
08: Private Elementary School 寺小屋
09: Mother and Baby 母と子
10: God of Death 死神
11: Losing 喪失
12: Wake Up 我にかえる
13: Sweets 菓子
14: In the Courtyard 中庭にて
15: No Topknots 髷がない
16: The Red Armor 赤備え
17: Reminiscence 回想
18: Harakiri Endroll

